What We Do  
  SGA Law offices deal extensively in cases relating to:  
  • Goods and Services Tax
  • Value Added Tax
  • Income Tax
  • Central Sales Tax
  • Service Tax
  • Excise and Customs
  • Wealth Tax
  • Entry Tax
  The firm also deals in arbitration matters and cases related to Negotiable Instruments Act.  
  Our team, under the guidance of Mr. Sandeep Goyal, appears regularly before judicial and quasi-judicial bodies throughout the country to represent our clients. We like to shift the burden to ourselves and handle the litigation part in the most innovative way by dedicating ourselves to achieve quick and concrete results.  
  Mr. Sandeep Goyal works in close association with the leading lawyers of the country and endeavors to fight the legal battles for clients with the assistance of his team which is devoted to finding the law, innovatively interpreting provisions and ensuring there is no room for error.  
  SGA uses its expertise to provide professional management solutions for even the most serious problems of its clients regarding taxation. We give transparent and unambiguous solutions to our clients in the fields of acquiring Registrations within a state, minimizing tax in a law abiding way, ultimate result of any litigation, obtaining Registration Certificates, Exemption Certificates, whether tax / duty / cess is payable, disputes regarding input tax credit and levying of penalty by the Taxing Authorities, amongst others.  
  We at SGA advise our clients on various issues like the scope of litigation in a particular case, management of taxes, barrier free trading solutions and requirements for Registrations in a state and assessments. Our high standard of service and result oriented approach have enabled us to distinguish ourselves from others in the field.  
Other Services
We provide client briefings, opinion writing, filing applications for seeking clarifications under the VAT Act, holding National Level Conferences to discuss practical problems. Our firm is selflessly dedicated in highlighting the latest judgements related to Sales Tax, Income Tax; notifications through its own newsletter which is widely circulated through e-mail to its clients, Chartered Accountants, Tax Advocates, Members of Bar Council and many others all over India.
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